January 26, 1979 - April 30, 1980
NBC Situation Comedy - 38 Filmed Episodes
Larry Alder: | McLean Stevenson |
Ruthie Alder: | Kim Richards |
Morgan Winslow: | Joanna Gleason |
Leona Wilson: | Ruth Brown |
Earl: | George Memmoli |
Diane Alder: | Donna Wilkes |
| Krista Errickson |
Meadowlark Lemon: | Meadowlark Lemon |
Henry Alder: | Fred Stuthman |
Tommy Roscini: | John Femia |
Marion: | Shelley Fabares |
Following the breakup of his marriage, radio talk-show
host Larry Alder moved from Los Angeles to Portland, Oregon,
to get a fresh start. He landed a job at radio station KLOW,
where Morgan Winslow became the producer of his phone-in
talk show. Earl was Larry's obese engineer. Larry had been
given custody of his two daughters, 13-year-old Ruthie and
16-year-old Diane. Glib and in total control on the air, he
was much less sure of himself at home as the single parent
of two maturing gils. Leona, a school teacher and neighbor,
tried to bring a little of the woman's touch to this chaotic
household. Larry's ex-wife Marion also turned up occasionally.
Added to the regular cast in the fall of 1979 were former
Harlem Globetrotters basketball star Meadowlark Lemon,
playing himself as owner of a sporting goods store,
and Tommy, a 14-year-old neighbor. In February 1980
Larry's retired father, Henry, also moved in.
Hello, Larry's time slot on the NBC schedule was right after
the much more popular Diff'rent Strokes. Since both shows
were produced by Tandem Productions, and Larry needed a
boost, it was established that Larry Alder and Diff'rent
Strokes' Philip Drummond were old army buddies, and that
Drummond's company had purchased the radio station
where Larry worked. The producers hoped that by having
the casts of the two shows appear together in crossover
episodes the much larger Diff'rent Strokes audience
would be attracted to Hello, Larry. It never happened.
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(Theme song provided by Todd Fuller's Sitcoms Online.)
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By Todd Fuller
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